Intervene - определение. Что такое Intervene
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Что (кто) такое Intervene - определение

Intervening; Intervene; The Intervention; Intervention (disambiguation); Interventional; Intervenes; Intervened; Invervention

·vt To come between.
II. Intervene ·noun A coming between; intervention; meeting.
III. Intervene ·vi To Interpose; as, to intervene to settle a quarrel.
IV. Intervene ·vi In a suit to which one has not been made a party, to put forward a defense of one's interest in the subject matter.
V. Intervene ·vi To come between, or to be between, persons or things;
- followed by between; as, the Mediterranean intervenes between Europe and Africa.
VI. Intervene ·vi To occur, fall, or come between, points of time, or events; as, an instant intervened between the flash and the report; nothing intervened ( ·i.e., between the intention and the execution) to prevent the undertaking.
1) (D; intr.) to intervene between
2) (D; intr.) to intervene in; with (to intervene in smb.'s affairs; to intervene with the authorities)
v. to obtain the court's permission to enter into a lawsuit which has already started between other parties and to file a complaint stating the basis for a claim in the existing lawsuit. Such intervention will be allowed only if the party wanting to enter into the case has some right or interest in the suit and will not unduly prejudice the ability of the original parties to the lawsuit to conduct their case. Example: Little Buttercup Butter Co. has been sued by Market Bag Grocers for selling below standard butter. Better Buy Market has also been buying Buttercup's butter and wishes to intervene (join in the lawsuit) to avoid either a loss by Market Bag which would affect Better Buy's possible claim, and also to avoid two separate suits. Or another butter company might want to join the suit on Buttercup's side in order to put up a united front with Buttercup against the markets. See also: intervention joinder multiplicity of suits



Intervention, Interventions, The Intervention or An Intervention may refer to:

Примеры произношения для Intervene
1. intervene--
What Technology Wants _ Kevin Kelly _ Talks at Google
2. Let's intervene.
Catching Cancer with AI Smartphones _ Ariel Beery _ Talks at Google
3. You have to intervene.
Transendental Meditations Impact _ Russell Brand + More _ Talks at Google
4. before thought intervenes.
Mindfulness & Creativity _ Austin Shaw _ Talks at Google
5. But they could intervene.
Sustainable Agriculture for the World _ John Jeavons _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Intervene
1. If there is a need to intervene, we will intervene.
2. Police, apparently overwhelmed, did not intervene.
3. Ambassador to Israel James Cunningham to intervene.
4. Some reckoned only outside forces would intervene.
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger could also still intervene.